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Molecular Organization, Function and Dynamics of Biomembranes

Conférence scientifique organisée à l'IES Cargèse par Eefjan Breukink et Geritt Van Meer de l'Université d'Utrecht

Biological membranes are, maybe surprisingly, but necessarily very complex structures that vary considerably in composition depending on their function(s) and location. Full understanding of the functional, structural and compositional complexity of membrane biogenesis and function will require multi-disciplinary approaches. In order to obtain detailed insights into the pathways and mechanisms leading to the assembly and proper functioning of membranes, co-operative research efforts of biochemists, biophysicists, structural biologists, and molecular and cell biologists are required. However, students, postdoctoral fellows and junior scientists who specialize in one particular (experimental) area of the Biomembranes field often find it hard to grasp and apply this mixture of approaches without a broad overview of this field.

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 04/12/2019

Du mardi 11 juin 2019 à 09h00 au mercredi 19 juin 2019 à 18h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse