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School on Emergent Phenomena In Correlated Quantum Matter

Conférence scientifique à l'IES Cargèse par Mark Oliver Goerbig,  Fabrice Bert de l'Université Paris-Sud - Orsay et R. Sing

"The proposed summer school is part of a series of schools, organized in the framework of the Institute of Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM). Several ICAM schools have in the past taken place at IESC. The present proposal aims at introducing young researchers in condensed matter physics to the modern concepts and methods used to study strongly correlated electronic systems. With respect to previous schools special attention is devoted to unconventional quantum spin states and topological aspects in correlated matter. While originally mainly discussed in model systems, topological concepts play an increasing role in the community of materials scientists. Indeed, the interplay between spin, charge degrees of freedom and topology is key to understand this wealth of unconventional behaviors. There is thus an enhanced demand to introduce these concepts to early-stage researchers working in this field of condensed-matter physics."

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 22/08/2019

Du mardi 06 août 2019 à 08h30 au vendredi 16 août 2019 à 17h30

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse