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Imaging in Wave Physics: Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Network

Conférence scientifique organisée par M. Mathias Fink, ESPCI Paris
Whatever the nature of the waves used (acoustic, electromagnetic, seismic or optical) and propagation media, wave control is of fundamental interest for many applications ranging from live imaging to telecommunications including medical diagnosis or defense. The emergence of large-scale sensor arrays in each of these disciplines and recent advances in data science will revolutionize imaging in the coming years. It is therefore the moment to bring these physical and mathematical concepts related to imaging into a summer school. The goal is to share knowledge and experiences in areas that have different applications but have very similar issues.

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 23/09/2019

Du lundi 23 septembre 2019 à 09h00 au vendredi 27 septembre 2019 à 18h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse