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Institut d'Études Scientifiques  |

ASTERIQS School on Solid-State Spins

Organized by T. Debuisschert , Valérie Mellier & Nora Ouadi

The program will cover the very basics of NV physics, from diamond growth and implantation, through measurement protocols for coherent manipulation – to modern diamond sensor fabrication and demonstration of applications in biophysics, condensed matter physics and industry. A large space will also be given to recent developments and applications of this promising field.

The school is organized and partly funded by the Horizon Europe projects ASTERIQS and METABOLIQS

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 13/09/2021

Du lundi 01 novembre 2021 à 09h00 au vendredi 05 novembre 2021 à 17h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse