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Institut d'Études Scientifiques  |

Glassy systems and inter-disciplinary applications

Organized by  G. Biroli, C. Cammarota, A. Manacorda, G. Tarjus, M. Tarzia

The school and workshop "Glassy Systems and Inter-Disciplinary Applications" aims to foster interactions among researchers while providing students with a solid and advanced knowledge on recent developments in glassy systems, which represent one of the central problems in statistical physics and condensed matter theory, with particular emphasis on the interdisciplinary applications that these important developments have generated in recent years in various fields ranging from theoretical computer science to biology and economy.

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 01/06/2021

Du lundi 28 juin 2021 à 09h30 au mercredi 07 juillet 2021 à 17h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse